Friday, July 30, 2010


We are trying to bring you all types of paying sites out there so here is a very easy one, a paid to chat site. I have been with this admin for a few months now and have had only good experiences. The pay might not seem very good but its easy, you chat and make new friends and learn about new sites. To join simply click here.

Who Can Join: Anyone can and should join so please join me.

Payment Options: Payments are sent every Friday to your PayPal so make sure you have your PayPal email added to your account.

Tips: Just chat away and make some new friends.

Referral Cash Back: None is provided but you will still want to join this site.

Payment Proof: #1

Total Earned: Over $10


  1. My blog has been deleted!! My Earning blog that is. Blogger said it was considered Spam! :( I was gonna update it with a few sites too. boo. Hope you and the mrs. have fun on vaca! Speak to ya over at Birejji!

  2. Alert

    ADPTC - I was on vacation one week zeroed my account.

    Auto Surf Dimbous got money had applied to four months unpaid complained and just walk into the account to pay R $ 5.00 reais.

    GAGABUX - asked 4 months to 2 Dollar failed to pay, and today I only pay 17 Dollar for bronze members if they pay up.

    BUXTO - 117 Dollar and I was 1 year alditoria

    August 4, 2010

    Soon will put Photos on my blogger to prove

  3. hey sir cholet .. i did try to log today in birejji but it say this .. Not Found

    The requested URL / was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at Port 80

    what happen ?
